how much will I have to pay
Mediated Dispute Solutions has a contract from the Legal Aid Agency to provide publicly-funded family mediation services. The Legal Agency provides publicly-funded mediation through mediators accredited by the Family Mediation Council (those who hold FMCA) and have a contract from the Legal Aid Agency.
If you think you or your ex partner may be eligible for legal aid you can use the ‘Can you get legal aid ‘ tool on the Ministry of Justice website. Go to when you enter the site, click ‘Start Now’; choose ‘Family’; choose ‘Family Mediation’; click ‘Yes’; click ‘Check if you qualify financially’. Enter details in calculator.
If you think you might get Legal Aid for mediation because you are on benefits, or working but on a low income, we can work out for you whether you qualify. If you bring to your first appointment the evidence listed below, the mediator should be able to tell you there and then whether you qualify for Legal Aid. If you are living with someone as husband or wife, we will also need to see the same information for them.
For those in receipt of the following benefits:
We must see –
The original notification letter, if this is more than six months old, we must also see a recent bank statement (no more than one month old), for the whole month preceding the date of your appointment. If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, we must see evidence of the payment you received in the month before your appointment.
You must also bring with you your National Insurance (NI) number.
If you are in paid work:
If you are self-employed:
If you are retired:
Deborah Butterworth is a FMCA Family Mediator and provides both private and publicly-funded mediation. If you are unsure about your eligibility please contact us. A latest guidance allows mediators to do the eligibility check on the phone or video conference. The evidential documentation and the Legal Aid Application form can be signed and sent in the post.
When divorcing or separating it is difficult to decide who gets what. Try mediaiton as a cost effective and stress free way to share.